It’s not always the obvious!
Milica Jojevic – Scenographer and Online Marketing Manager
Twice as good!
End of January, beginning of February 2018 I was fortunate enough to attend the first ICCI-Training in beautiful Matera, Italy. I have been one of two trainers talking about the international marketing plan for creative entrepreneurs. At the same time I was and am a creative entrepreneur myself. Therefore meeting all these great people from 9 different countries, with different roles in the CCI, was interesting to me in two ways. On the one hand talking about the importance of marketing and what power it can have for oneself, brought me joy. I strongly believe, that all the great work done in CCIs should be recognized more for its greatness. In order for that to happen it is necessary not only to promote ones work, but as well to know where to do so and under what circumstances. On the other hand, as an scenographer it was a great and inspiring opportunity to meet so many kindred spirits.
What do you think?
While I held contact with a few participants, one contact turned out to be of another quality. After I returned to Germany it did not take too long and an E-Mail arrived. It was Brune Charvin. Brune is a Videographer and Photographer. In her Mail she asked me, along with others, for an opinion about one of her applications. I was very happy to answer and honored she even asked.
Greetings from abroad
A few months later it was my turn to ask her for help. I was trying to find a structure for the ICCI Barcamp in Germany. Since the time for the event was limited and a lot of the content was theoretical, I decided to add something a bit more vivid to it. I had the idea of a short video clip where someone from the Matera participants is greeting the German participants from abroad and telling them their Mission Statement. That someone was of course Brune. At least I wanted it to be her. In Matera everyone had a little emotional moment when she read her Statement out loud – the perfect example I thought.
Excuse me, how did you do that?
I wrote a short message to Brune. The answer was “Sure” and soon after I had the video. Being her wonderful, positive self Brune really did give an insight into her own process of finding not only the Mission Statement but professionalising for the internationalisation. Have a look for yourselves:
Even though it’s not actually an artistic or professional cooperation, it is one between those kindred spirits mentioned above, which I think is just as precious!
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