Internationalisation and EU-Funding
The decision has been made: I am going abroad! But does that always mean one has to go on this journey alone and without help? We don´t think so!
As discussed in some chapters of the ICCI Handbook the reasons to go abroad, the so-called triggers can be various. The EU for instance provides several funding programmes that ease the barriers of going abroad. In the following two examples are discussed to explain what advantage such programmes can bring.
Cooperation Projects
When wanting to work in a foreign country it can help immensely to know somebody there. They can help with analysing the market, understanding the culture and giving advice about customer´s behaviors. But how can one get such an Colleague from another country? One good way for example is, to get into a cooperation with them. And even better if this happens within the framework of an funding programme. In that way financial aid is included. The “Support for European Cooperation Projects 2019”-Programme is our first example: Eligible are cooperations in creative- and cultural industries in the EU. Until December 11th 2018 all citizens/organisations based in the EU can apply for this funding. 44.659.800€ are available, whereas around 40% are reserved for small projects. (This programme does not necessarily include a stay abroad.)
More Infos and Application here:
Residency Programmes
Another interesting Call is the “EMAP/EMARE: European Media Art Platform / European Media Artists in Residence Exchange 2019”-Programme. This is about residencies. Digital artists with an EU Passport can apply for a two-month stay abroad at truly very interesting partner institutions (list of partners is in the link below). Such an opportunity counts twice. On the one hand the funding is an financial aid. On the other hand one get´s to know the local scene, interesting and relevant institutions. All this in the target country, while working directly with stakeholders from the scene. Most probably at least one helpful contact arises from such a stay, but mostly more.
More Infos and Application here:
Two out of numerous
These two examples are two out of many more. They might not directly apply to your situation, but most likely there is a funding programme that does. This article´s aims is to draw your attention to the possibility of such programmes. For the sake of completeness it has to be mentioned, that not only the EU offers such funding. In general the cultural offices of the EU countries do too. In Germany for example the Goethe-Institut offers a international cooperation funding that can be applied for from any country, but with an german partner (more info here Look out for such opportunities!
It still is hard work
Nevertheless, it has to be said, that such applications do take time and effort. You are best advised to call the information contacts suggested on the websites or talk to experienced colleagues. It does take practice to understand the funding structures. But once you do, it can be a fruitful source for your entrepreneurial projects.
Best of luck for your future funding applications from the ICCI-Team!
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