International Masterclass “Scena Europa”
Festival Ipercorpo, Iagostudio events and communication and Città di Ebla organize the 2nd edition of the International Masterclass “SCENA EUROPA”.
From Italy to Europe: operating in the International scene
Distribute, promote and communicate your shows in Europe, acquire new models for the creation
of networks and creative residences
Some of the most brilliant European operators provide their experiential and professional heritage for this international masterclass aimed at young artists and company managers who intend to give visibility and present their shows abroad, to become part of international networks and explore innovative ways in order to activate artistic residences.
Conceived and organized by iagostudio events and communication within the program of Ipercorpo
festival, the masterclass consists of three days of: 3 lesson modules (10 hours), 1 module of individual
advice (1 hour) and 1 module of presentations by all the international operators guests of Italian
Performance Platform (3 hours) – an international project that for years has seen the presence in Forlì of
some of the most interesting European operators to follow the Ipercorpo festival.
– A look at the European scene: not-to- be-missed festivals, the well-known ones and the less known
but suitable for young companies wishing to work abroad.
– European projects, international networks and specific projects that can inspire effectiveness in
– Strategies and techniques for the international distribution of performing arts
– Creative management, when empathy makes the difference. How to develop an alternative
– Management and support of an artist
– Being ready for the international market: how to present yourself, how to present your work,
mistakes to avoid.
– The system of international residences between new strategies, effective models and opportunities
for young creative people
Friday 25 th May: 2.30pm – 6.30pm
MODULE 1 |2.30pm – 5.30pm
Vicens Mayans (Agente 129 – art management agency – Spagna)
Are we ready to go abroad?
What are the most interesting festivals today in Europe? How to present yourself in these contexts? How to present your show to a foreign operator? Which elements should not be overlooked if you decide to work internationally? A practical exercise is included.
Saturday 26 th May: 10.00am -1.00pm | lunch break |2.30pm – 6.30pm
MODULE 2 | 10.00am – 1.00pm
Pia Kramer (Organisation and International relationships O Espaço do Tempo – Lisbon)
Residences and networks in Europe. Starting from the experience of O Espaço do Tempo – the Portuguese
most important and internationally one of the most reknown centre of residences – models and best
practices will be presented in relation to the system of international residences and to the forms of co-production.
MODULE 3 | 2.00pm – 6.30pm
Marta Oliveres (Ramon Llull creative department director and agency Mom & El Vivero director)
Creative management. This is the formula born in Mom & El Vivero, one of the most brilliant reality for scouting, enhancement, support and circulation of young artists in the field of live arts at an international level and Marta Oliveres will illustrate the stages of this path also through some simulations.
Sunday 27 th May: 10.00am – 1.00pm
Free counseling with the teachers of the course and/or the other guest operators 11.30am – 1.00pm
Masterclass participation fee costs 90 euros. Registration deadline: May 20, 2018 or upon reaching the
maximum number of participants. Lessons are held in English.
Organization and tutoring: Mara Serina – mob. 338.3246269
Promotion and organizing collaboration: Lorenzo Conti
Registration feee must be paid by bank transfer to the following bank account. Please send by e-mail
payment confirmation to: a
Account holder: Associazione Culturale Città di Ebla
Bank: Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì e della Romagna (CARIRO Forlì)
Forlì 47121, Piazza Aurelio Saffi, 33
IBAN: IT26B0601013222100000003625
Affiliated accomodation: hotel Executive Forlì (price information upon request)
Vicens Mayans
Vincens Mayans started his professional activity as a performer and actor working with Rodrigo Garcia and other international companies. He has been artistic director and choreographer of Lalupe company and since 2014 he deals with international management and distribution for the company Agente 129 of
Barcelona, for which he follows world-wide festivals and events related to the world of dance, developing an original empathic way of relationship with artists and operators.
Pia Krӓmer
Graduated in Psychology, Dance and Literature at the University of Regensburb (Germany), in 1985 Pia
Krӓmer founded Loft, a dance space where to teach choreography also through international workshops.
In 1995 she completed a course of studies in Dance Therapy and worked for 4 years as a dance therapist
with patients suffering of mental disorders. In 2000 she moved with her family to Portugal and joined
university teaching with training. Since 2003 she has been working at O Espaço do Tempo, a
multidisciplinary reality based in Montemor-o- Novo, where she curated projects with local community
through methods of Creative Learning. Currently she deals with the artistic planning and management of
international projects.
Marta Oliveres
In 1991 she founded a historical reality for the promotion and presentation of artists internationally: MOM / Elvivero, an ethical brand that develops creative, original and high-empathy techniques of promotion, summarized in the Creative Management formula that immediately sees a vibrant training activity with courses, masters and festivals. Marta Oliveres complements the distribution activity with the publishing one, publishing for a long time the magazine Artributøs, a precious media to explore new artistic trends.
She is currently director of the creative department of Ramon Llull Institute, specialized in supporting Catalan artists.
After Masterclass: Ipercorpo Festival
Ipercorpo festival is the general contest that hosts the Masterclass. It will be held in Forlì from 24 th till 27 th of May 2018. Subscribers to the Masterclass that are interest in it have the possibility to see the shows and to take part to its international atmosphere, following also music and art appointments in program.
Subscription card is included in the Masterclass cost.
Shows program
Friday 25 th May:
Luna Cenere “Kokoro”
gruppo nanou “Color becomes space. Alphabet”
1-minute Dance
Saturday 26 th May:
Ofir Yudilevich “Gravitas”
Andrea Costanzo Martini “TROP”
Muna Mussie “Oasis”
1-minute Dance
Sunday 27 th May:
Teatro persona “Macbettu”
1-minute dance contest presentation
video installation Family Affair presentation with authors ZimmerFrei
book presentation "La danza 2.0" by Alessandro Pontremoli
Mara Serina – e-mail: mob. +39 338 3246269
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